Partner 7: NESNE (NESNE Electronics, Turkey)



NESNE Electronic Design and Consultancy is a private R&D Company based in Izmir Institute of Technology (Turkey), the mission of which is to carry out research and development work on behalf of industry, mainly SMEs, in order to contribute in their competitiveness, productivity and sustainability. Nesne Design offers complete solutions to its customers through the services spanning the entire development process, from idea and concept development to finished product provided in the fields of product and systems design applications. Nesne activities are divided into the following business areas; Product Development and Production Technology. Nesne Design has generally concentrated its efforts on; designs of consumer electronic products, industrial electronic products & systems, agricultural machinery, underwater technologies (robotics), sensor technologies, underwater communication systems, cage & mooring designs for aquaculture, military products & systems, production control automation and related electronic –electro mechanic products.

In terms of relevant research expertise for the project, NESNE Electronics; has technical competence and needed expertise in the following scientific and technological areas: Mechanical & electronics design and product development, also has a respectful knowledge in the design of underwater equipments for industrial applications as well as in the use of wireless communication techniques. In addition to product design, Nesne provides aquaculture equipment and consultancy services to its clients in this sector. ‘NETBUGGY X1” is an underwater net washing machine that is fully designed by the company, and being used in the aquaculture industry.It has been launched in 2009.

Mrs. Hilal Tolasa Gündoğdu; Managing Director of Nesne Electronic Design Ltd. with B.S. in Electronic Engineering. She has 25 years of professional experience on diversified projects basically in electronic product design field, design development techniques and application of design into the production. She is registered consultant with the European Business Development Center, an EU project to support Small and Medium Sized Companies in Izmir, Turkey. Mrs. has also an extensive project experience in National TUBİTAK Fund (some of her projects funded are ; Water meter- Electricity meter- Netbuggy X1 etc.) and EC level (Research For SME Projects eFISHent -FP7- 262155).

Dr. M. İ. Can Dede is currently an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at IZTECH. He is the director of the Robotics Laboratory at IZTECH and the Vice Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He received Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering at Florida International University (FIU). He worked as a Mechatronics Design Engineer at Aselsan Inc., the leading defense industry company in Turkey, during 2000-2003. He was awarded Dissertation Year Fellowship and Dean’s Award for Excellence in Overall Research Productivity in 2007 at FIU. He currently holds a European Union 7th Framework Programme (EU FP7) Marie-Curie Fellowship and he is the Principal Investigator in the EU FP7 IRG project titled “High Precision Haptic Device Design.” He is also one of the four partners in the Korean Scientific Cooperation Network with the European Research Area (KORANET) project titled “Control of Assistive Robot with Facial Expressions.” His research interests include UUV design, teleoperation, haptics, and parallel position/force controllers. He is also the co-advisor of the teams developing UUVs for collecting dead fish in the fish farm nets with Dr. Ünver Özkol.

Mr. Enis Ilker Tekdemir; currrently working with Nesne Electronic Design Ltd. as a consultant and holding MSc. EE degree (1994). His professional experience exceeds 22 years and includes wide spectrum of various electronics system designs. He has strong background on analog and digital design of electronic systems of many kind including AV receivers, Electromagnetic sensors, motion sensors, accelerometers, GPS, wireless tranceivers, display devices. Worked with key semiconductor manufacturers like Philips Semi. (NXP) and Micronas Gmbh for more than 5 years. He has deep understanding of microcontrollers (from tiny 8- bits upto 32-bit multicore ARM based ones), RTOS and communication protocols. For the last 6 years he’s been working at engineering management level where he’s been designing, managing, controlling and documenting high level electronics projects.