Partner 6: AMT (Albatros Marine Technologies S.L., Spain)

Logo definitivo

Albatros Marine Technologies is a small research-focused company developing underwater instrumentation and robotics. Founded in 2005 through the initiative of a group of scientists and technicians as the evolution of the work of several years of research in oceanography, the company started as a spin-off from IMEDEA (Instituto Mediterráneo de Investigaciones Científicas CSIC-UIB), a research center that develops scientific and technical interdisciplinary research in the area of Natural Resources in the ocean and its litoral.

The company mission is to make available innovative marine products in the instrumentation and robotics area, following always its four main values: Continuous innovation, adaptability and comprehensive service, reliability and technical quality, and attractive design coupled with functionality.

The company key competences include the design and manufacturing of marine and oceanographical instrumentation. Capabilities include: electronics schematics and circuit design, PCB manufacturing, mounting and testing; mechanical design and analysis (CAD/CAE), conventional and advanced manufacturing (lathe, mill, CNC, rapid prototyping, vacuum casting); and software development. Facilities include a complete mechanical and electronics workshop.

The role of AMT in ARROWS project will be to collaborate in the design of the AUVs and in the manufacturing of mechanical components.

Previous experience relevant to AMTs tasks include collaboration in projects of development of a small low cost AHV (autonomous hybrid-surface/underwater-vehicle) and other oceanographic instrumentation. The company has been contracted to supply various R+D AUV prototypes, pressure housings for electronics, sensors and cameras, and has developed two own commercial products: a lagrangian drifting buoy with real time data acquisition (GPS/GSM) and a Micro-ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle). AMT has been public funded for some research projects: remotely operated vehicle with intelligent sensors, underwater positioning system, modular underwater robot and integrated coastal area management.

Daniel Roig Broman, MS Mechanical Engineering. Expert in industrial design and manufacturing processes, having worked in various industrial companies and contributes valuable knowledge and experience in oceanographic instrumentation.

Gabriel Donaire Pascual,  MS in Electronics Engineering. He is an expert in electronics design and software development, having worked in various electronics consulting firms.